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Lehi City adds maternity leave to employee benefits



The Lehi City Council met on Tuesday, July 14 in another online meeting to move forward with City business. The shorter than usual agenda included approval of a new benefit for Lehi City employees, paid maternity leave.

For many years, city employees who were new mothers used accrued “sick days” to stay at home with new children. With the addition of maternity leave, new mothers will now receive an additional three weeks of paid time off.

With the unanimous approval by the City Council, the Lehi Employee Policy Manual will now include the following:

“Maternity Leave. Full-time female benefitted employees are eligible to use up to three weeks (120 hours) of paid maternity leave after the birth of her child. Paid maternity leave can be used consecutively or intermittently. Eligible employees must notify their supervisor on the pending birth of a child as soon as possible. Human Resources is responsible for approving maternity leave requests and must obtain documentation verifying the birth of the child. Eligible employees must use their maternity leave within 3 months of childbirth.”

In addition to the employee benefits change, the Council unanimously approved:

1. Consideration of Ordinance #40-2020, approval of the Hansen zone change, changing the zoning on .33 acres of property located at 1045 W Main St from RA-1 to NC. The applicant shared plans to build a snack and soda shop across from Vets Ballpark.

2. Consideration of Ordinance #39-2020, approval of the Muir zone change, changing the zoning on approximately .79 acres of property located at 678 W 300 N from R-1-12 to R-1-Flex by Dennis Muir. 


3. Consideration of Concept plan approval for Pine Springs, a 37-unit residential development located at 225 S 600 E by Dan Ford.

4. Consideration of final subdivision approval for Vivian Estates Phase 1 Plat D, a 6-lot residential development at 400 E and Eagle Crest Drive in an RA-1 zone by Jason Rickards. 

5. Consideration of the Cedar Hollow Plat M Amendment, amending Cedar Hollow Plat A, lots 10,11 and 12 at 1734 N 1400 E by Mark Hymas.

6. Consideration of Ordinance #38-2020 request for approval of a Development Code amendment to Chapter 35, clarifying regulations for Community Forestry By Lehi City.

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